Later this month, the Cash Machine is returning to promote the Scarborough Gift Card throughout the town.  Last year was the first time we ran this series of competitions on Scarborough High Street, where people had to gift the PIN on the cash machine, and if they guessed correctly, they won a Scarborough Gift Card valued anything from £10-£500!

We are bringing it back for Spring and are looking for businesses to host the competition – this is what will happen:

  1. You will be promoted as a venue location via social media and radio on the run-up to your competition day
  2. The team will be at your venue for approximately 1 hour, telling people to come in and try and guess the cash machine PIN
  3. What do you need to provide?  A good open space for them to set up, by a plug socket for the machine – put them in your shop window to create a buzz on the day!

This is ideal for members of the Scarborough Gift Card because when people win, hopefully, they will redeem it straight away in your business, so if you are not already signed up, drop us an email to and we will make arrangements ASAP.


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