Message from the organisers:

Following on from her Majesty the Queens tragic death. The organisers of Scarborough Goldwing light parade have spent all of today in discussions with Scarborough council, local mps and government officials and they have decided that unfortunately and heavy heartedly the day can not take place tomorrow.
I know this will come has a disappointment to all who have travelled for the event however there was no way around being able to hold it in a safe and respectful manner that was needed in order for it to go ahead.
Please know this was a decision that laid heavy on me and I have spent the whole day in talks, i did try to suggest numerous ways for the event to continue however it was still found to be not be appropriate to go ahead when we are in a mourning state.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all that offered to support both myself and the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and we will be back in 2023 for a bigger and better light parade.
Being the new organiser of the light parade I have spent the last year putting all I have into tomorrow and I am totally heartbroken that we can not go ahead however in light of yesterdays devastating news i totally understand the decisions that have been made.
For any goldwing riders, myself and a representative from the Yorkshire Air Ambulance will be on west pier from 12-2 if any riders would like to call by and meet us to put a face to the name.
Once again thank you for all the public support and we will see you next year.

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