The Hornsea Waves sculpture and landscaping project has reached a new milestone in bringing the area to life.

The once uninspiring, broken tarmac corner of South Promenade, opposite the Trans Pennine Trail Gateway marker, is now home to the Hornsea Wave Sculpture Garden, created by sculptor Emma Stothard with help from the local community.

The sculpture was inspired by a piece from the Hornsea Pottery collection, which local councillors John Whittle and Barbara Jefferson JP first presented to the team for inspiration. The sculpture is now settling into its new environment with the help of the local community.

Local landscaper Simon Goodall, proprietor of Mr ‘Edges, joined the team this year to help develop the area and develop a sensitive planting scheme around the sculpture design that enhances the overall aesthetic experience for both locals and visitors.

The design has incorporated local materials, utilised local artists, and included playful elements such as winding paths around the hazel hurdles and low-level stones, perfect for children to take a break while parents try to capture the perfect selfie with the sculpture.

This collaborative effort, led by Simon and his team, also brought onboard local ceramicist Leafy Lane Pottery, who have brought their seashore inspiration directly to the foot of the wave and fish with playful creations of sandcastles and footprints.

People can find out more about the sculpture, part of Route YC’s Coastal Sculpture Collection at


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