Our ‘Hunt for the Lost Toys’ Christmas high street safari was a great success this year. Sixty of our BID businesses formed a trail of ten in each of our six towns to provide families with a fun, free activity to encourage them onto our high streets. Each business displayed an interactive window vinyl scanned using a mobile to collect the toys whilst driving traffic to the windows of our businesses at a critical time for retailers.

A total of 380 families took part and collectively completed over 1.5 million steps whilst completing the trails, burning over 75k calories simultaneously!

We promoted the trails using a combination of social media marketing and linking to Love Yorkshire Coast’s big competition, Quizmas, held on the website.

Our Facebook marketing yielded a total reach of 44,285 with 2.5k post engagements and 229 reactions, 47 comments and 77 shares.

After each entry to our Quizmas competition, participants were shown the link to the trails; the total number of entries was 6,531.

If you are interested in participating in future trails throughout 2023 please get in touch with Elaine at bidteam@yorkshirecoastbid.com.

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