Supporting sustainable solutions is key on our agenda and we are very proud of Whitby Haven, our innovative Whitby in Bloom project, creating sustainable horticulture established at the heart of Whitby.
The team are always looking at new ways which ensure adaptations for climate change not only provide protection for human residents but also enhance the natural habitats and mitigates man made environmental depreciation. This year they took further steps to be more eco-friendly by only using peat free compost and extracting water from the river Esk to their Bowser, then via a12v electric pump to water the plants.
The project comprises a three phase scheme of works to install planting on both the land and estuary sides of the harbour, with your support Phase 1 is nearing completion. Pollinator highways have been established using container planting to soft landscape pavements, car parks and the new flood defence wall.
So far we have funded the following planters in and around the town:
19 around the railway station carpark
6 on Pier Road on the bandstand
8 on the bollards opposite the Captain Cook Statue
4 on the signs at the entrance to the Pavilion Carpark
14 around the lamp posts on New Quay Road , (each lamppost has two baskets)
6 wall baskets and 10 railing planters around Church Street Car Park , (each barrier planter has two troughs)
18 planters (the equivalent of 52 baskets) in the Queen Elizabeth Garden refurbished for her Platinum Jubilee
We look forward to seeing this uplifting project continue in the future and thank the team at Whitby in Bloom for their dedication and innovation so far.

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