Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) originated in Canada, and since being introduced to the UK in 2004, they have grown in popularity with businesses. Why? Because BIDs enable business owners, like you, to help shape the look and feel of areas with clear objectives. So, what are the Yorkshire Coast BID objectives? To increase footfall, length of stay, spend and help the Yorkshire Coast become the top UK tourist destination.

To ensure the BID is business led and can act independently under the direction of businesses, it has been established as a private limited Company. It will be overseen by a Board of Directors, governed by the Company Articles of Association, that will give structure and guidance for the Company to start delivering the BID Business Plan. Key to ensuring that the projects remain relevant will be ongoing consultation in the form of workshops, surveys and 1-2-1 meetings with levy payers, but before all of this can take place, the BID needs a Board!

There are 13 positions on the BID Board and as soon as you have completed your Member Application Form, you can nominate yourself to become a Director.

However, some businesses have asked us, why do I need to become a Member when I am already a levy payer? As the BID is a private limited company, just like any other, it is governed by Companies House rules to ensure all parties act in the best interest of the Company. One of the ways of ensuring that this happens is by creating an agreement that businesses sign, which is the BID Member Application Form.

Becoming a Member doesn’t cost any more, but as well as offering you the opportunity to become a Director, it will also allow you to vote on key Company matters and give you access to financial information. To make it as quick and easy as possible we have created a Member Application and Director Application form that you can easily complete by following the highlighted links.

The Yorkshire Coast BID is an opportunity for all levy payers to contribute to the delivery of projects over the next 5 years, and now is a great time to come on board and help make the BID a success. If you wish to discuss membership, the Board, or have a project in mind, don’t hesitate to contact the BID Team.

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